Building a Segway Vehicle that could Roam around Obstacles


CSC 714 Real Time Systems - Spring 2014

Amir Bahmani



Problem Statement


Building a segway vehicle that can roam around obstacles on the floor of the lab. The NXT brick has to face up with where its short sides are on the top/bottom.

1) Using a light sensor to balance the NXT brick by tracking the approximate distance to the floor. The objective is to balance and move forward for about 5 inches on the floor or on the table.

Segway with One Light

2) Using two light sensors to balance the NXT brick by tracking the approximate distance to the floor.

Segway with Two Lights

3) Using a gyro sensor to balance the NXT brick. This sensor contains a single axis gyroscopic sensor that detects rotation and returns a value representing the number of degrees per second of rotation [1].

Segway with One Gyro


Project Status


Segway with one light sensor: 1st June 2014


Segway with two light sensors: 14th June 2014


Segway with a gyro sensor: 24th June 2014




Project Files


1) Final Report

2) Source Files

3) Video 1

4) Video 2

5) Video 3






This page was last updated (UTC)07/27/2014 13:03:45 This page was last updated (UTC) 03/15/2014 00:29:11