CSC 548: Project
Implementing computation timing deltas on the MPI Trace Compression Framework Replay Engine

Prasun Ratn

This project aims to take an existing MPI Trace Compression Framework and timing deltas (corresponding to computation between communication). This work focuses on the replay engine which is the part of the framework responsible for taking trace data and simulating communication pattern from the actual program execution.
  • For more details see project.pdf.
  • Progress Report 1 : report1.pdf.
  • Some changes src
  • almost final Report : report(err, not yet final)
  • Final Report : project report


  • Scalable Compression and Replay of Communication Traces in Massively Parallel Envrionments , slides M. Noeth, F. Mueller, M. Schulz, B. de Supinski, submitted to IPDPS 2007


  • perl script to convert min-max-avg trace to histogram
  • setjmp.c stack_sig.h stack_sig_prasun.h