

alf_task_create - Creates a task and allows you to add work blocks to the work queue of the task.


int alf_task_create(alf_task_desc_handle_t task_desc_handle, void* p_task_context_data, unsigned int num_instances, unsigned int tsk_attr, unsigned int wb_dist_size, alf_task_handle_t *p_task_handle);

task_desc_handle [IN] Handle to a task_desc structure.
p_task_context_data [IN] Pointer to the task context data for this task. The structure and size for the task context have been defined through alf_task_desc_add_task_ctx_entry. If there is no task_context, a NULL pointer can be provided.
num_instances [IN] Number of instances of the task, only used when ALF_TASK_ATTR_SCHED_FIXED is provided.
tsk_attr [IN] Attribute for a task. This value can be set to a bit-wise OR to one of the following:
  • ALF_TASK_ATTR_SCHED_FIXED: The task must be scheduled on the specified number of accelerators. By default, a task can be scheduled on any number of accelerators and the number of accelerators can be adjusted at anytime during the execution of the task.
  • ALF_TASK_ATTR_WB_CYCLIC: the work blocks for this task are distributed to the accelerators in a cyclic order as specified by num_accelerators. By default, the work blocks distribution order is determined by the ALF runtime. This option must be used combined with ALF_TASK_ATTR_SCHED_FIXED.
wb_dist_size [IN] The specified block distribution bundle size in number of work blocks per distribution unit. A 0 (zero) value is treated as 1 (one). Refer to Work block scheduling for more details about work block distribution.
p_task_handle [OUT] Returns a handle to the created task. The content of the pointer is not modified if the call returns failure.


This function creates a task and allows you to enqueue work blocks to the task. The task remains in a pending status until the following condition is met: All dependencies are satisfied and either at least one work block is added or the task is finalized by calling alf_task_finalize.

When the condition is met, the task becomes ready to run. However, when the task actually starts to run depends on the available accelerator resources and the scheduling of ALF runtime. Multiple independent tasks can also run concurrently if there are enough accelerator resources. When the task starts to run, it keeps running until at least one of the following two conditions is met:
  • The task has been finalized by calling alf_task_finalize and all the enqueued work blocks are processed and the task context has been merged and written back;
  • alf_task_destroy is called to explicitly destroy the task.
Note: A finalized task without any work block enqueued is never actually loaded and run. The runtime considers this task as completed immediately after the dependencies are satisfied.


0 Successful
less than 0 Errors occurred:
  • ALF_ERR_INVAL: Invalid input argument
  • ALF_ERR_BADF: Invalid ALF handle
  • ALF_ERR_NOMEM: Out of memory or system resource
  • ALF_ERR_PERM: The API call is not permitted at the current context
  • ALF_ERR_NOEXEC: Invalid task image format or description information
  • ALF_ERR_2BIG: Memory requirement for the task exceeds maximum range
  • ALF_ERR_NOSYS: The required task attribute is not supported
  • ALF_ERR_BADR: The requested number of accelerator resources is not available
  • ALF_ERR_GENERIC: Generic internal errors
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