Attributes and descriptions

The following table is a list of attributes.
Table 1. Attributes and descriptions
Attribute name Description
ALF_QUERY_NUM_ACCEL Return the number of accelerators of a particular type accel_type in the system.
ALF_QUERY_HOST_MEM_SIZE Return the memory size of control nodes up to 4T bytes, in units of kilo bytes (2^10 bytes).
ALF_QUERY_HOST_MEM_SIZE_EXT Return the memory size of control nodes, in units of 4T bytes (2^42 bytes)
ALF_QUERY_ACCEL_MEM_SIZE Return the memory size of accelerator nodes up to 4T bytes, in units of kilo bytes (2^10 bytes).
ALF_QUERY_ACCEL_MEM_SIZE_EXT Return the memory size of accelerator nodes, in units of 4T bytes (2^42 bytes).
ALF_QUERY_HOST_ADDR_ALIGN Return the basic requirement of memory address alignment on control node side, in exponential of 2.
ALF_QUERY_ACCEL_ADDR_ALIGN Return the basic requirement of memory address alignment on accelerator node side, in exponential of 2.
ALF_QUERY_DTL_ADDR_ALIGN Return the address alignment of data transfer list entries, in exponential of 2.
ALF_ACCEL_TYPE_SPE Accelerator type.
ALF_EXIT_POLICY_FORCE Perform a shutdown immediately and aborts all unfinished tasks if there are any.
ALF_EXIT_POLICY_WAIT Wait for all tasks to be processed and then shuts down.
ALF_EXIT_POLICY_TRY Return with a failure if there are unfinished tasks.
ALF_TASK_DESC_WB_PARM_CTX_BUF_SIZE Size of the work block parameter buffer.
ALF_TASK_DESC_WB_IN_BUF_SIZE Size of the work block input buffer.
ALF_TASK_DESC_WB_OUT_BUF_SIZE Size of the work block output buffer.
ALF_TASK_DESC_WB_INOUT_BUF_SIZE Size of the work block overlapped input/output buffer.
ALF_TASK_DESC_NUM_DTL_ENTRIES Maximum number of entries for the data transfer list.
ALF_TASK_DESC_TSK_CTX_SIZE Size of the task context buffer.
ALF_TASK_DESC_PARTITION_ON_ACCEL Specifies whether the accelerator functions are invoked to generate data transfer lists for input and output data.
ALF_TASK_DESC_MAX_STACK_SIZE Specify the maximum stack size.
ALF_TASK_DESC_ACCEL_LIBRARY_REF_L Specify the name of the library that the accelerator image is contained in
ALF_TASK_DESC_ACCEL_IMAGE_REF_L Specify the name of the accelerator image that’s contained in the library.
ALF_TASK_DESC_ACCEL_KERNEL_REF_L Specify the name of the computational kernel function, this usually is a string constant that the accelerator runtime could use to find the correspondent function.
ALF_TASK_DESC_ACCEL_INPUT_DTL_REF_L Specify the name of the input list prepare function, this usually is a string constant that the accelerator runtime could use to find the correspondent function.
ALF_TASK_DESC_ACCEL_OUTPUT_DTL_REF_L Specify the name of the output list prepare function, this usually is a string constant that the accelerator runtime could use to find the correspondent function.
ALF_TASK_DESC_ACCEL_CTX_SETUP_REF_L Specify the name of the context setup function, this usually is a string constant that the accelerator runtime could use to find the correspondent function.
ALF_TASK_DESC_ACCEL_CTX_MERGE_REF_L Specify the name of the context merge function, this usually a string constant that the accelerator runtime could use to find the correspondent function.
ALF_TASK_ATTR_SCHED_FIXED The task must be scheduled on num_instances of accelerators.
ALF_TASK_ATTR_WB_CYCLIC The work blocks for this task is distributed to the accelerators in a cyclic order as specified by num_accelerators.
ALF_TASK_EVENT_TYPE_T Defined as followed:
  • ALF_TASK_EVENT_FINALIZED: This task has been finalized. No additional work block can be added to this task.
  • ALF_TASK_EVENT_READY: This task has been scheduled for execution.
  • ALF_TASK_EVENT_FINISHED: All work blocks in this task have been processed.
  • ALF_TASK_EVENT_INSTANCE_START: One new instance of the task is started on an accelerator after the event handler returns
  • ALF_TASK_EVENT_INSTANCE_END: One existing instance of the task ends and the task context has been copied out to the original location or has been merged to another current instance of the same task.
  • ALF_TASK_EVENT_DESTROY: The task is destroyed explicitly
ALF_WB_SINGLE Create a single use work block.
ALF_WB_MULTI (Level 1) Create a multi use work block. This work block type is only supported when the task is created with ALF_PARTITION_ON_ACCELERATOR.
ALF_BUF_IN Input to the input-only buffer.
ALF_BUF_OUT Output from the output only buffer.
ALF_BUF_OVL_IN Input to the overlapped buffer.
ALF_BUF_OVL_OUT Output from the overlapped buffer.
ALF_BUF_OVL_INOUT In/out to/from the overlapped buffer.
ALF_DATASET_READ_ONLY The dataset is read-only. Work blocks referencing the data in this buffer cannot update this buffer as an output buffer.
ALF_DATASET_WRITE_ONLY The dataset is write-only. Work blocks referencing the data in this buffer as input data results in indeterminate behavior.
ALF_DATASET_READ_WRITE The dataset allows both read and write access. Work blocks can use this buffer as input buffers and output buffers and/or inout buffers.