Sanity check on the plan of work of MS/PhD students:
Each course should be identified by semester to be taken and number
of credit hours.
Courses being used to satisfy core requirements should be clearly
marked and it should be clear whether the student is using old (applies
only to students who entered before Fall 2003, perhaps earlier) or new
rules. [Almost none of the plans I've been getting do this, even
though the grad handbook tells the students to do it -- probably nobody
reads the handbook; they just rely on filling out the form.]
Core courses for the PhD must be taken care of within the first year
(or the first 18 hours of coursework if the student is not full time).
This is not true under old rules, but the putting off of core courses
should be severely discouraged (imagine the plight of an instructor who
has to deal with a student trying to complete a core course requirement
the same semester they're defending their dissertation; this is a real
situation I'm currently facing).
MS plans must have at least 21 hours of letter-graded courses and 30
hours in all (at most 6 can be 695, another 3 can be 630).
PhD plans must have a total of 72 hours. 18 of those can be
transfer hours from an MS program elsewhere, 36 if the MS is from here
and the student stays continuously enrolled from start of MS through
end of PhD.
- Restrictions for GSSP:
- MS students now have to drop down to 3 hours in the 4th semester.
- PhD students drop to 3 in the 7th semester
(and must complete their oral prelim by the 6th semester).
- MS/PhD's drop to 3 in the 9th semester and must complete
their oral prelim by the 8th semester).
- After the 4th/6th/8th semester, the GSSP does no
longer cover tuition, only health benefits.
Here are the details.